Adult Diploma Program (ADP)

  • Classes to earn credits to complete adult high school requirements and earn a diploma.
  • Classes can help adults looking to earn a diploma for a promotion, a job change, entry into college or the military.
  • Fees may vary for some classes, contact the center near you for details.
  • Find an Adult High School program near you by clicking on the Locations page.

How the Diploma Program Works

  • The first step is an assessment of your high school credits.
  • A coordinator or counselor will look at your high school transcript to see how many credits you earned in high school.
  • Then you can make a plan to earn the remaining credits you need to graduate.
  • When you have completed the requirements, your adult high school diploma will be granted by the school district that sponsors the program.
  • Get more details by looking at New Hampshire Adult High School Requirements.

Classes for High School Graduates

  • Some adults who are high school graduates also take diploma classes as refresher courses
  • Others take diploma classes to meet college entry requirements, such as algebra and chemistry.

“This program has been the most positive experience that I’ve had since high school. One thing is for sure – I’ll never give up and am very thankful and grateful for the Adult Education program.”

Jeffrey R.

Second Start ADP

Adult Education Eligibility


Recommended Referral

Must be at least 16 years of age

If you are under 16, please talk to your school counselor about your options.

Cannot be enrolled in high school or required to be enrolled in school under the State’s compulsory attendance law

If you are enrolled in school, you may be eligible for the Adult Diploma Program. Please talk to your school counselor.

Home education students may be eligible for the Adult Diploma Program. Please reach out to your local program to discuss your options.

Must be a NH Resident or work in NH

If you live in another state, please contact your State’s adult education program.

Cannot be in the US under the Student & Exchange Visitors Program

Please reach out to your program sponsor for approved SEVP schools.